09:00 - 09:15 Welcome and intro
Dr Jane Draycott, University of Glasgow
09:15-10:15 Keynote
Prof Adrienne Mayor, Stanford University
10:15-11:15 Panel 1: Metamorphosis of Bodies
Dr Tanika Koosmen, University of Newcastle, Australia
[Dis]Playing Changing Bodies: Metamorphic Greco-Roman Myths as “Display” of Form
Dr Ryan Denson, University of Exeter:
Pickled Tritons: The Bodily Display of (Divine) Cryptids in the Roman Empire
COFFEE BREAK 11:15 – 11:30
11:30 - 12:30 Panel 2: First Impressions/Judgement of Bodies
Jasmine Sahu-Hough, PhD candidate - Yale University:
“The Sort of Man You All See Me To Be”: Visible Disability and Citizenship in Classical Athens
Dr Dan Mills, Georgia Institute of Technology:
Physiognomic Disability in Literary, Statuarial, and Numismatic Depictions of Claudius
12:30 - 13:30 Panel 3: Bodies of Servants
Dr Anastasia Meintani, Universität Wien:
Bodily Display in the Context of the Banquet
Shreya Sharma, Independent Scholar:
Visual Arts and British Imperialism in India
LUNCH BREAK 13:30-14:15
14:15 - 16:15 Panel 4: Bodies in Museum Collections
Prof. Jessica M. Dandona, Minneapolis College of Art and Design:
Babies in Bottles: Personhood, Pregnancy, and Anatomical Preparations, 1880-1900
Dra. Carolina Valenzuela Matus, Universidad Autónoma de Chile:
Animals for Education: Taxidermy Display in School Cabinets in Chile (Twentieth Century)
Aoife Sutton-Butler, PhD candidate - University of Bradford:
Pathological Bodies: Visitor Attitudes towards the Display of Historical Potted Specimens at Two British Medical Museums
Cornelia Thompson, PhD candidate - UCL Institute of Archaeology:
Medical Bodies on Display: The History and Context of Medical Museums
COFFEE BREAK 16:15-16:30
16:30 - 17:30 Panel 5: Lived Experience of Bodies
Prof. Natalia Fernández Díaz-Cabal, Autonomous University of Barcelona and University of Shanghai:
Displaying, Hiding: Narratives and Images of Sarcoma
Sarah Scaife, PhD candidate - University of Exeter:
Vexed Paradox in Historical Anatomical Display – One Artist-Researcher’s Perspective through Lived Experience
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